I am not a deep thinker. But just wanted to title my blog Deep Thoughts. I am an open book here goes some of the pages...

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Sense and Sensitivity

Yesterday I was watching an episode of FRIENDS where Rachel and Ross hire a male nanny. The 3 women are happy to accept a man who is a nanny but the 3 men find it difficult to accept a male nanny. Joey and Ross portray their manliness by commenting about Sandy who is a man and a nanny "That's like a woman wanting to be a...” Ross justifies himself to be sensitive and the male nanny to be too sensitive.

The episode was very funny and I imagined how I would react to a "too sensitive" person. There are rules in life and one such prominent rule, I grew up learning “why men can’t cry” or “why men are not allowed to cry”. Always when a boy cries, he is pacified not to cry because crying makes him a girl and if he doesnt cry he is a man. The opposite of crying is laughing. Both men and women laugh. Why cant men and women cry too? Why is crying gifted to women folk alone? If a person cries the person is branded very sensitive. So in the episode Ross narrates how his father rescues him from becoming one of the very sensitive people like Sandy, the Manny (man nanny is Manny according to Chandler).

I am left here wondering will Rachel have the mind to go out with Sandy. All she could do was hire him as a nanny. If it was me I can sure go out with Ross but Sandy is too much test for my patience. I have come across so many Sandys and have deliberately avoided them.

After giving a serious thought on crying, now I know why men are not allowed to cry. If both men and women cry, then there is no one strong to console the cry baby! So if the woman cries, the man will be trained to be strong and console the woman. Why can’t it be the other way around? Men will cry and the women console the men? Well it is good to write this in a blog. As always some questions are better unanswered. Why are there rules different for men and women? Why the double standards?

Let alone the sense in the above argument running through my mind, I am unable to address the statement which Ross and Joey comment “That's like a woman wanting to be a...” The examples they give to complete the sentence sound hilarious but is sure offensive.

All said I have no idea what to conclude... Life still remains a question mark on LOS (Line of Sensitivity.)


Ramaa Iyer said...

Hey sweetz you have the answer right there..Double standards is what rules here esp in S&S..Been there, seen it and you know what we are called when we say the truth out loud ;)

deepti said...


You know what my about me says right? :D I cant help it i tell the truth out and a bit aloud. result : ppl hate me :P

Karthigeyan said...

There is no antonym for crying.

Crying is act of producing tears- may be natural -may be artificial

You would cry when the emotion is overwhelming- be it sadness - be it happiness- be it proud- be it sentimental-be it pain

Emotion blocks thinking and makes you immobile and handicapped for that moment. Men were hunters. If they start crying for the bodily pain, they cant hunt and they cant bring food to home and crying exhibits the signs of fear. While hunting/ fighting, if you show signs of fear, you are dead.

Men were/are advised not to cry only for body pain not for sentimental effect. If anyone got it otherwise, they got it wrong.

Again, any human needs to overcome sentiments and emotions, in general so that they are just and active.

Li. said...

woww... sorry, cant explain in scientific terms abt tear glands like our karthik here... but its no double standards deeps..

Men n women just happen to be that way..( well, ofcourse there r exceptions..)

why does the lioness have to hunt always, n then wait for the lazy lion's left over to eat?

why does the black widow spider always have to kill the male partner?

why does the mother chimp always carry the baby? why can't it be the daddy?

well, that's de way things r designed.. u have a role.. n i have a role.. we might interchange, but it mite not be the best we do..

am not being a chauvenist.. swear... Men don find it easy to cry.. it hurts them.. their mind thinks tat way.. n, as you said.. if u see the captain hysterical, what wld happen to the crew? Captain has to be calm, even in a storm.. rite?

so it is.. if u watch closely where women r incharge, they too train not to be emotional... so.. ?