I am not a deep thinker. But just wanted to title my blog Deep Thoughts. I am an open book here goes some of the pages...

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

A Release, A Dilemma and A Question Mark - Part I

I was told on Monday afternoon that I am released from the Project. It was kind of a mixed emotions. I wanted a transfer to Chennai and I get a release. So all Monday I was happy that I got released and very very worried about the transfer.
The past history makes me shiver. A person who got married asked for a transfer to Chennai and could not get one. Result?? He quit the job.Now I have a health issue, will they consider me. I am less than 1 year old in this organisation. Will they consider me valuable enough to put me in chennai?I doubt it. I have now 4 scenarios.

Scenario A : Plead, beg for a transfer and manage to go to chennai. Then I will sure be in Bench and as per original plan prepare for CAT.

Scenario B : Stay back in bench here in mysore, prepare for CAT.

Scenario C : Wait till august, quit my job, sit at home and prepare for CAT.

Scenario D : Sit here work until next may or something and get married next year this time.

I hope I dont start of with Scenario A and end with Scenario D too sooon.

Now is the question, what am i doing here? Blogging because I am absolutely jobless and I have nothing else to do. What if I am pushed out of the embassy?I dont even get to blog. But I might end up attending all the ILI sessions for nothing. SIGH I am sure scared of the Bench... :-s

God Please do consider my long time request!

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