I am not a deep thinker. But just wanted to title my blog Deep Thoughts. I am an open book here goes some of the pages...

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Dumb, Worst and Silly Reasons and Excuses - Why Me?

What is it with people around me? Am I proving to be "The stupidest person they know?" People give me the worst lame excuse for anything be the matter.

  • Today I was asking for my advance money back and what do I get? Yeah THE DUMB EXCUSE!
  • Some few months back a close friend ditched me when asked why, I get the WORST and FUNNIEST Reason on this planet.(Oct 10th)
  • I ask a friend why she is not in touch with me yet again SILLY reason.
  • Another one here in office: I ask for transfer because I need one for the sake of my health, I get the SILLIEST of all excuse!!!
  • One of the best : Roomie's friend giving excuse to keep watching the SOAPs. The friend relates her mom's family (of many daughters) struggling to get back the share from their dad and evil son driving the friend to watch SOAPs. (Metti Oli)

Not that I dont give any excuse but I am just wondering this question :

"Why Me???"

It is past 10.30pm and I am in office! I give a dumb excuse "Got work!" ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wondering y,with a fact being that to get in as a friend (not the orkut-term 'friend') it takes lots of trust and a reliability-and it soon becomes a thing of the past!